How to Find the Best Laser Hair Removal Near You in Kansas City
We’ve finally made it past another Kansas City winter, meaning it’s about time to pull out those shorts and tank tops (well, almost). But we all know that with cute summer clothes comes the annoying tasks of daily shaving or monthly waxing.
Just kidding! With laser hair removal near you in Kansas City, you don’t have to worry about struggling to maintain smooth skin—you can go the entire summer without excess hair
At AesthetiCare, we’re the #1 fans of laser hair removal, because we haven’t seen anything come close to its amazing hair-reduction benefits. But to reap those benefits, you have to learn how to find the best laser hair removal near you.
If you’re not sure where to start, just keep reading and we’ll give you all the deets you need to find the best #LHR.
Everything You Should Know About Laser Hair Removal in Kansas City →
Understand what separates the “meh” from the “best” treatment.
You could easily go somewhere that provides okay treatments and gives you the okayest results, but who wants to settle for that—especially for the prices they charge? Not us.
The key to finding laser hair removal near you in Kansas City is understanding how the treatment works. You don’t want to go to a facility that performs general laser treatments without considering your skin tone and hair color.
Here’s why:
During the laser hair removal process, light targets pigment in your hair follicle. Once your skin absorbs that light, it converts to heat to destroy the hair’s growth centers. Because of this, laser hair removal works great on people with pale skin and dark hair.
If you aren’t one of those people, it’s extremely important to make sure your provider caters the laser to your skin tone and hair color. A “meh” treatment won’t change laser strength from person to person, so everyone ends up getting the same thing. That means some people may get better results than others
On the other hand, someone who provides the best laser hair removal near you will consider your unique body to ensure that you gain the best results without extreme side effects (we’ll talk about those later).
Decide which areas you want to treat.

Some laser hair removal providers aren’t as experienced as others, so they aren’t as informed about treating more sensitive areas.
For example, they may do a good job on legs and arms, but when it comes to the bikini area or armpits, their results may not be as uniform. You can go out and test your luck, or you can just find a facility with more experience. We don’t know about you, but we 1000% know which option we’d choose.
With an experienced laser technician, laser hair removal near you can blast away hair on almost all parts of your body! This includes:
- Legs
- Armpits
- Bikini area
- Upper lip
- Chin
- Back
- Neck
So when you visit a facility like AesthetiCare, you can get multiple areas treated in one session without fear that one will turn out better than the other.
How Effective is Laser Hair Removal? →
Do. Your. Research.
Picking the right laser hair removal near you in Kansas City shouldn’t be a game of eenie, meenie, miney, mo. Whenever you find a facility, always do your research on the people, the procedures, and what others say about both.
Things you’ll want to consider:
- What do people say about their customer service?
- How are the results?
- Is the facility in a nice area?
- How much experience does the staff have?
- How many laser hair removal treatments have they performed?
A great way to do this is by reading up on their online reviews. Reviews give you insight on what other clients think about a facility.
Believe us when we say, getting high ratings isn’t an easy feat. That’s why we’re proud to say that AesthetiCare has a 4.9/5 star rating on Google reviews, 5/5 stars on Realself, and 4.5/5 on Yelp.
With proper research, you’ll be well on your way toward finding the best laser hair removal treatment—and a facility that truly knows their stuff.
BTW, AesthetiCare isn’t just a facility that offers laser hair removal, we’re also a national training center for a variety of laser treatments
Ignore the myths and discover the facts.
Get to know some of the laser hair removal myths out there so you’re able to separate fact from fiction. All too often, we’ve seen people come to our office misinformed about the treatment, and that could lead many to inexperienced technicians (it can even deter people from laser hair removal all together!).
Here are some of the biggest myths we’ve heard swirling around:
Myth: Laser hair removal isn’t safe for darker skin.
Fact: It is true that people with fairer skin and dark hair benefit the most, but people with dark skin can see long-term hair reduction as well. The success lies within the expertise of the technician and the laser used. So if you have darker skin, don’t let people tell you laser hair removal won’t work. Simply find laser hair removal near you in Kansas City that will keep your skin in mind.
Myth: Laser hair removal is 100% permanent.
Fact: If someone claims that their laser hair removal treatment is 100% permanent, they aren’t telling you the truth. You don’t want to go to a facility with people who won’t be honest and transparent. The truth is, laser hair removal is meant for hair reduction. A successful treatment eliminates 80 to 90% of unwanted hair, and most people won’t have to return for another 6 to 12 months after their first series of treatments.
Myth: Laser hair removal is really painful.
Fact: Beauty is pain, right? Not always. Although you may feel a snapping sensation, laser hair removal isn’t super painful for most people. A great provider will treat your skin with care to reduce the amount of discomfort during the process.
Myth: Laser hair removal is only for women.
Fact: There’s nothing about laser hair technology that would only work on women. Skin is skin, and hair is hair. Despite popular belief, men can achieve the same long-lasting results as women—and often do! In fact, many of our LHR patients are men looking for hair-free chests, armpits, legs, or neck.
What You Should Know About Laser Hair Removal for Men in Kansas City →
Know the laser hair removal risks and side effects.
When searching for laser hair removal near you in Kansas City, you don’t want to ignore the risks that come with the treatment. With a highly experienced facility, the risks and side effects are minor and disappear shortly after the treatment is done. These side effects include:
Skin irritation
After the laser hair removal treatment, some clients experience temporary redness, swelling, and/or itchiness. Mild pain may linger after the treatment as well. These side effects tend to go away after a few hours.
Skin pigment changes
In rare instances, there may be some darkening or lightening of the skin in the treated areas. Again, these changes usually don’t last and fade over time.
Clients with lighter skin are more prone to see hyperpigmentation (darkening of the skin) while darker-skinned clients may see hypopigmentation (lightening of the skin).
Although crusting doesn’t happen often, some clients may find that the affected areas have crusted over. This shouldn’t be a cause of concern. If you take care of the area with a moisturizer as well as following our expert post-care instructions, the crusting after your laser hair removal treatment should go away without any scabbing or scarring.
Keep in mind that if you don’t choose your technician wisely, those minor side effects could turn into more serious risks, including:
- Blistering
- Burning
- Infections
- Scarring
To avoid these issues, make sure that you get laser removal in Kansas City done by a professional trained in the latest FDA-approved laser technology. At AesthetiCare, our facility has four FDA-approved laser/light systems for hair removal to offer you the most effective treatment available for your skin and hair type!
Realize the best laser hair removal near you isn’t at home.
Just put the laser down and nobody gets hurt. First, at-home laser hair removal semi works on a very narrow range of skin tones and hair colors. That means if you have darker skin or lighter hair, you’re not going to see results. Plus, even if you do have contrast between your skin and hair, at-home lasers aren’t nearly as powerful as professional ones. That means you’ll have to continuously maintain the small results you do see, which may add up to the same amount of time as shaving or waxing.
But more importantly, you can really hurt yourself if you try laser hair removal at home. Remember those side effects we talked about earlier? You’re much more likely to experience those risks if you treat yourself. Lasers require expert care and training, and if you don’t know what you’re doing, you never know what could happen.
That’s why to get the best results, you should find laser hair removal near you in Kansas City through a professional.
Schedule a consultation with AesthetiCare for laser hair removal near you in Kansas City today.
At AesthetiCare, our laser hair removal service goes beyond our expertise. Our entire staff is dedicated to helping every single client look and feel their best every day.
Our services are more than skin deep. The relationships we build with every single client helps us understand their needs to better serve them; not to mention, we love meeting new people and hearing their stories!
Contact us or use our virtual consultation tool to tell us about your needs and schedule a free one-hour consultation.