Melasma in Kansas City

What is the root cause of melasma?

A lot of our clients come to us looking to treat skin discoloration like sun damage and melasma. The cause of sun damage is pretty obvious, but what is the root cause of melasma? Keep reading to find out!

What does melasma look like?

Melasma spots look like darker patches of skin discoloration

Melasma typically happens on the:

  • Forehead
  • Cheeks
  • Across the nose
  • Above the mouth
  • Chin

It can also appear on other sun-exposed areas like the forearms or neck, but this is much less common.

Up Next: Learn About Our Skin Discoloration Treatments in Kansas City for Different Pigmentation Concerns

What is the root cause of melasma?

It seems that people with more melanin, so darker skin tones, are more predisposed to melasma than others. It’s also been linked to genetics, so if you have relatives with melasma, the chances increase of you developing it too. 

The other major factor is hormones: 90% of people with melasma are women! Melasma is especially common in pregnant women and is often referred to as the “mask of pregnancy.” Moms are totally superheroes, but some costume, right? ‍♀️ 

According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, melasma probably occurs when the skin cells that make color (melanocytes) overproduce pigment, creating the discoloration of melasma. 

The following environmental factors can trigger melasma:

  • Sun exposure
  • Changes in hormones 
  • Certain skincare products

Reduce or eliminate the appearance of melasma at AesthetiCare!

Now that you know the root causes of melasma, you may be looking into treatments for it. The good news is you don’t have to live with skin discoloration from melasma We have customizable treatments for all skin tones and types to fit your budget, time for healing, and skin goals.

For an in-depth free consultation, visit our Ward Parkway, Liberty, or Lenexa locations! Book online or by phone at (816) 323-6280 (Liberty). We can’t wait to meet you and help you find the best treatments for your unique skin.

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What our clients are saying

Krissy is thorough and easy to talk to. She is confident in her skills and put me at ease.

Jessica is always keeping me up to date on new and exciting treatments. Although I have done multiple Intracel treatments in the past, this time she encouraged me to add on PRP. I highly recommend. Healing time was so fast!

Jessica did a great job always checking with me on how I was feeling. She was always concerned about how I was doing and doing the best job she could!

Jennifer explained everything in details and was very diligent in making sure that the procedure and follow up went well

I was given the proper guidance and steps to take to make my skin better. I truly love the honesty, care, and time taken to help find solutions to make my skin better. The before and after pictures truly show a difference on how well the procedure works. And I’m still noticing differences as my skin continues to heal.

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