Enter Our “Because She Deserves It” Makeover Contest

We all know a woman who goes above and beyond. Who always puts others needs in front of her own. Who deserves to be treated to something special.

Now is your chance to nominate that woman for our incredible “Because She Deserves It” Makeover Contest!

Follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Identify your nominee.

Step 2: Write a brief explanation about why she deserves to be our winner.

Step 3: Include contact information for both you and your nominee

Step 4: Find a close-up headshot of your nominee

Step 5: Email explanation, contact info and headshot to becauseshedeservesit@gmail.com

Step 6: Complete all of this by the deadline of Friday, December 9


What our clients are saying

Krissy is thorough and easy to talk to. She is confident in her skills and put me at ease.

Jessica is always keeping me up to date on new and exciting treatments. Although I have done multiple Intracel treatments in the past, this time she encouraged me to add on PRP. I highly recommend. Healing time was so fast!

Jessica did a great job always checking with me on how I was feeling. She was always concerned about how I was doing and doing the best job she could!

Jennifer explained everything in details and was very diligent in making sure that the procedure and follow up went well

I was given the proper guidance and steps to take to make my skin better. I truly love the honesty, care, and time taken to help find solutions to make my skin better. The before and after pictures truly show a difference on how well the procedure works. And I’m still noticing differences as my skin continues to heal.

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