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Krissy is thorough and easy to talk to. She is confident in her skills and put me at ease.
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UPNEEQ® (oxymetazoline hydrochloride ophthalmic solution), 0.1% is a prescription eyedrop used to treat acquired blepharoptosis (low-lying lids) in adults.
Upneeq® is the first and only FDA-approved prescription eyedrop for acquired ptosis (low-lying lids) that lifts your upper eyelids to open your eyes! Why do my eyelids look low? Low-lying lids can affect the way you look and see things. If your eyes look “tired” or “sleepy,” you may have a condition called acquired blepharoptosis (also known as acquired ptosis or low-lying lids). If you wear contact lenses, remove them before applying Upneeq eyedrops. Each vial contains enough solution to allow for one drop in each eye. You may put them back in 15 minutes after application.
A box of 45 vials, retails for $220
The most common adverse reactions with UPNEEQ (occurring in 1-5% of patients) were eye inflammation, eye redness, dry eye, blurred vision, eye pain at time of use, eye irritation, and headache.
PLEASE NOTE: Due to the need of a prescription, re-orders please call to ensure your consent is on file & first time purchases must be done in-office. Purchase available in a box (45 individual vials) or single use vials.
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