Skin is In with Nikki
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Written by: AesthetiCare’s Nikki Milder, RN, BSN
SKIN IS IN with Nikki

My passion for dermatological health came later in my 20’s, unfortunately. Working alongside some of the country’s best skin cancer surgeons as a perioperative RN I saw firsthand how damaging the elements can be to our skin. My generation loved the tanning beds, laying out with SPF 8 tanning oil, and falling asleep in the sun. I was not too concerned about my skin. Then I found myself in my early twenties sitting in the Dermatologist’s office waiting to have a dysplastic nevus removed (a mole with irregular features) from my calf. Luckily it was not cancerous, but this served as a wakeup call for me. How could I preach to my patients the importance of wearing sunscreen and proper skin care if I did not practice what I preach?
Today as you read this my hope is to educate you on the importance of taking care of your skin. Despite our very best efforts to take care of our skin, sometimes we need some extra help! I’m excited to share a treatment that helps slow down the process of aging skin and keep skin related conditions in check, and my favorite product to help protect your skin!
First, the treatment – Corrective Broad Band Light or “BBL”:
Broad band light utilizes sources of pulsed light to deliver excellent results in photo rejuvenation therapy; meaning your provider is able to use light energy to target and treat fine lines & wrinkles, age spots, sun spots, small facial veins, acne, pore size, rosacea, and other blemishes. BBL even increases collagen production. The coolest thing about this treatment? It’s been scientifically proven that BBL can change the expression of genes associated with the aging process to more closely resemble younger looking skin! This means you will visibly note younger looking skin over the long-term. This. Is. Incredible.
What’s even better? You can perform this treatment on other areas of the body that have been exposed to the harmful rays of the sun like your arms, legs, chest, neck, and back of hands. The treatment takes anywhere between 10-45 minutes (depending on treatment areas), and we recommend anywhere between 2-5 treatments a year. The procedure is non-invasive, gentle, and safe. Light is delivered to the surface of the skin in precise pulses across the treatment area. BBL also has little to no downtime. You’ll leave the treatment looking red or flushed, but that usually lasts just a few hours. Individuals with prominent pigment may notice “peppering” or darker pigmentation that fades off in 10-14 days. Makeup can even be applied after the treatment!
Here are my “before and after” photos from only ONE BBL treatment:

Finally, the product I use every day to protect the largest organ of the body: my skin!
Laying in the sun or a tanning bed has been scientifically proven to accelerate the effects of aging and increases your risk of developing skin cancer. 1 in 5 Americans will develop skin cancer by the age of 70, and more than 2 people die of skin cancer in the U.S. every hour. Let those stats sink in…
This topic hit close to home with me. My mother experienced Melanoma and I met thousands of patients in the recovery room following skin cancer related surgeries (hoping the cancerous cells were all gone). I have even held the hands of patients having a skin cancer removed.
I want to introduce you to: Tizo.

As a clinician, I believe this product is life-saving and crucial to add to your daily skin care routine. Tizo is free of oils, preservatives, chemicals, and parabens and contains the two mineral ingredients every SPF needs – Zinc and Titanium Oxide. It helps to slow signs of pre-mature aging skin and works by blocking two types of harmful rays: UVB/UVA. Ultraviolet B rays usually burn superficial layers, while Ultraviolet A rays penetrate deep into the dermis (your skins thickest layer). Below is a graph that shows Zinc & Titanium Oxide’s protection against UVA/UVB rays in compared to the ingredients found in sunscreens you have likely purchased at the drugstore. Take SPF ingredients seriously- they can be lifesaving.
The coolest thing about Tizo? It comes in tinted and non-tinted! I personally love to mix the tinted Tizo with my moisturizer after cleansing my skin- this hides my blemishes and some of my stubborn reds! I completely stopped using foundation- because the tinted Tizo gives me the protection I need and evens out my skin discoloration.

Where can you purchase Tizo? At AesthetiCare of course!
Come to AesthetiCare for all Your Skin Needs
If you are at all interested in BBL or what is best for YOUR skin, I encourage you to Contact us today to schedule your complimentary consultation so we can discuss all of your options with a skin analysis consultation or start your journey virtually right below: